My friend asked me to do a tutorial for embellishing a Tee.
I made a few of these for my granddaughters for their birthday with a little knit skirt to go with it. They are easy and fun to do, and only take about 30 - 40 minutes once you have your materials. This is size girls 16 which fits about an 11-13 year old.
1. Buy a plain T-shirt, I got these at Wal-mart or Target for about $5.
3. Find a remnant or piece of flimsy material that can be washed without fraying. You will only need about 6 or 8 inches of the entire width of the fabric - selvage to selvage
4. Fold the fabric accordion style so that you can cut circles about 2 inches diameter or so.
3. I used a cup as my pattern to draw circles.
4. Pin the circles before cutting, it helps
5. They might not look perfect, but they will work fine. Make sure you discard the top circle with the pen marking on it, or you can cut around it, you won't want pen on your circles.
6. Take some netting, a color of the shirt or lighter. You are going to sew the circles on the netting, not the shirt.
7. Fold each circle in half and pin to the netting in the design you want
8. Make sure you start at the bottom and work up so the circles don't tuck under.
9. Place you design over your shirt to get the desired effect you want to create
10. You are going to hand sew the circles on the back of the netting. Just take one stitch and knot it in the center of each circle. The stitching should not show on the front.
11. Make a knot in each stitch
11. it should look like this on the back when it is done
12. It will look like this on the front with no stitches showing
13. Place the netting on the Tee where you want it to be placed. Pin in place. Using thread to match the Tee, stitch the netting to the Tee with a Knit stitch.
*It is very important you use a 'knit stitch' or the child will tear the embellishment off while pulling it over her head*** ( If your machine doesn't have a knit stitch programed in, use a tiny zig-zag stitch - but this is a really good time to read your manual.)
Terri you are absolutely amazing! You make it sound easy but I know if I did it, it wouldn't be. Darling tees and the skirt was so cute too! You are very talented!
I want to come up and do a sewing "internship" with you before you and Rock leave! You are so talented!! If you have time I would love to see how you make the yoga skirt.
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