This link is to a "youtube" made by a Catholic Bishop defending the Momons for taking heat on Prop 8 in California. I personally appreciate his words of support, especially in a time where everyone is protected by "civil rights" except those who believe in God, and more specifically those who believe the Constitution protects their rights to free expression of religion.
So I have a question, suppose the courts overturn the will of the people and decide that the vote shouldn't be counted, and these courts write gay marriage into the constitution of California? Then it becomes law doesn't it? And because Mormon's believe that we are subject to laws, does that mean that Bishops in the Mormon church will be required under the law to perform gay marriages in California? Will it mean that our temples in California will have to close so that we will not be forced under the law to perform gay marriages in the temple?
When did "Civil Rights" become more important than "Sacred Rights"? It seems to me that those who are unfamiliar with sacred religious writings...("Marriage between a man and a woman is ordained by God...") are unaware of what they are really screaming about - because the lessons of the past and the words of the Prophets should warn us all that our destruction is all that comes from disobedience to God's law.
I don't think they know what we know and they don't want to. We live in scary times. I am grateful for the words of the Lord and a living Prophet to guide us! The voice of the people should not be overturned by some judge!
I really think this will be a BIG issue for a long time. One we need to really be aware of and working to stop. More of the persecution we must face because we are members of His church and with truth. Thanks for your sharing Terri. J Gatten
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