You know how sad it is when you finish a book that was really fun to read? I have lost a week of my life while immersed in the adventures of Eragon and his dragon Saphira. The First book, okay - it started slow, but then again so did "Harry Potter" and we are sort of in the same genre which I classify as "Books-Every-10-Year-Old-Will-Love". So what if the author started writing it at age 15 and emphasis on his physique is a little overblown! So what if he hasn't perfected the nuances in conversation and occasionally it reads a little stiff! The promise of romance hints oh so sweetly, but sorry, that doesn't go anywhere. (Maybe in book 4?) Book one still has enough adventure wrapped up in it to keep you fixated on the written page long after the sun sets at night and you just keep thinking you can keep your eyes open for a few more hours..... What with the elves, drarves, shades, bad guys, good guys, blood, gore, and magic, hey, it just makes a fun epic novel.
Well, in book two Eragon has established himself as a bona-fide hero, hey, who woulda known? He is just as surprized as anyone....Hummm.... But the Epic continues even while bogging down the story by a HEAVY new language...
Elven. It's not
exactly like reading
Victor Hugo's Les Miserable in French
... since this language is all made up and no one can understand it except Chris Paolini and the Elves, but I would say our author is enamouredwith this new language to the point that I think he really speaks it in every day. The biggest frustration is all the forty subplots get so spread out like wandering roots of a tree that you are left wondering if they will ever merge and resolve into a solution before Eragon turns 60 years old. But you also wonder if the line between good/evil -right/wrong is specific enough to carry the story at all. Basically book two just compounds and multiplies all the loose ends that never got resolved in book one, so at the end of the book my head was spinning. However, the characters were more alive, insightful, and emotional. It was a clear indication that the author had matured. I sent Rock to Wal-mart immediately for book 3, ($15)it couldn't wait, I had to deal with it.
(Number 1,099 on the wait list at the library?...forget that.)
Okay, book 3 is quite masterful. I could not physically unattach it from my body, I slept with it, I saw the Boar mountains every time I looked out the window......The author
finally decided he had to wrap up all the loose ends and it was time for the hero to save the world and defeat the enemy!!! Yea, I was dying to know all the secrets of the bad guys.......and I was so impressed that Aragon is much more mature, and even humble on occasion. I guess you could say he grows up, he cares more, he loves deeper, he grieves deeper, and he falters less often. He rises to his stature.
Well, guess what, I ferneically finish the book, and find out that Paolini decides he can't wrap it up in 750 pages!!!! Are you kidding me? Now I have to wait for book 4? BUMMER, I HATE WAITING FOR BOOKS. well maybe i can get something done now....