Smith is recovering from his motorcycle accident much faster than we anticipated. While he was laid up I helped at his laundromat which added up to many hours of hard labor free of charge
(Yes, he still fired me)
My laundromat job included: counting quarters out of all the machines, trips to the bank every day, picking up the mail, mopping the floor, vacuming out all the dryer vents, polishing the windows and washers, filling up the holes in the walls, replacing light bulbs, payroll, scrubbing toilets, accounting, stripping wax off the floor on my hands and knees, folding wash, and lots of listening to whiny employees.... (Lesson to be learned here - Never cross someone's mother - they were slow learners).
Smith asked me what I will do with all my free time now.
These baby quilts are gifts for some of the nieces in the family....
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