He attended college at the University of Utah where he studied business and was both the quarterback and kicker for the football team.
How many of you can kick your leg that high? :-)
Although a U of U football fan, he later had to divide his loyalties with BYU where he was a finance professor, undergraduate chairman in the Business Department and later Associate Dean of the Marriott School of Management.
Dad served in the Navy after WWII. Here is a picture of him showing off like guys always do in the Navy I guess.
Dad served a mission to Argentina, and then many years later was called to be the mission president over the Central American Mission. This included Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama. I was a senior in high school while we lived in Costa Rica.
In 2001, my parents were called as temple president and matron of the Guatemala Temple where they served for 3 years. I love this picture because it makes my dad look like an angel among the people he loves. All his letters to home during this time in his life began with the words: "It is another beautiful day"....and it took me while to realize he wasn't referring to the weather.
Dad's Favorites:
Anything blue
Fruit juices
text books, the scriptures, Louis L'amour books
books, books, books